Thursday, February 7, 2013

To Ban or Not to Ban

We have all read the hunger games, yes? No. Well you are definitely missing out. Now on the Top 100 banned books for 2000-2009 from I can see how people would want to ban it from all the violence in it, but is it any better than the stuff we see on the news? At least with this book we know it is fiction, but the things on the news or that we see nowadays are real. We really have a screwed up system if that will ban a book, but they can still show it on the television or internet.


  1. I quite agree with what you have said. In a book, people can tell that most people wouldn't do anything that the book says. Even still I doubt a serial killers read a book about crashing a plane and decided to go do that. Seriously, people? Come on!

  2. I really appreciate your comment about how readers will know it's a fictional book, but in the news, we know it's real. Good point, Taylor. However, think about the demographics of who is reading The Hunger Games (ps: make sure you capitalize/italicize titles) vs. the people watching the news. Young kids/teenagers are more impressionable because of their brain development. So, adults may just be trying to "protect" them or something.
