Wednesday, March 13, 2013

My favorite movie(s)

I would have to say that my favorite movie(s) of all time would be any disney movie. They are just classics and I can not get rid of them. Some of my definite favorites are The Lion King, The Little Mermaid, and Hercules. I have watched them a million times and I can never get old of them! If you have NOT seen these movies, they are a definite MUST watch. If not check out this website for other disney movies. Fur Rizzles! Peace Out Homie G!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Fourwinds Indians

This last weekend at State Class B Boys Basketball I met some of the guys from the Fourwinds Indians team. They are pretty cool guys. We stayed up till 2 in the morning (well technically 3 since we lost an hour of sleep, but that's beside the point), just talking. They are pretty cool guys. They even showed us their Harlem Shake video on youtube, and one of the guys on the team has hair down to his waist and was just head bangin' it up! It was pretty legit.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Ever changing Internet

The internet is going to keep changing and changing. I am definitely looking forward to the faster internet and how they are trying to make it more affordable for every American with the National Broadband Plan. I don't want it to be more commercialized because well firstly, commercials just suck, and secondly, with things like Google who use our emails to show us advertisements with our interests, we won't have any privacy. I also believe that the more complicated and "knowledgeable" the internet becomes the more we will depend on the internet, and the more we will believe the things we read on the internet. Read this article about how Al Gore believes the internet is changing the way we think.

March 4

The Loboes articles all have the same people they interview in them. They don't ask any of the other players, even though they had a part in getting us to where we are now. It was really only Anthony, Jared, and Brady that actually made it into print, then at the end they mentioned everyones stats for that game. They were pretty biased against who we were playing, in the fact that they didn't really say much about them. This is definitely targeted towards our region and the people in and around LaMoure.