Thursday, January 10, 2013

Media-less Society

     Our class assignment is to think about what our lives would be without a media-less society. Meaning no facebook, pinterest, twitter, etc. I find this hard to think about because my generation is so dependant apon the media that I am sure the world would end (not literally). But if we did live in a media-less society I have no doubt that we would all get along better. We would have to depend apon eachother for our information (or gossip, whichever way you look at it). With saying that, we could also become more ignorant in the sense that it would be harder to get information across the country/world. Something that happend in July in New York, would probably not reach California for a few months.

     We would probably be a more fit country too, because all we would have to do is play outside or go out to get our information and the latest "gossip". We have grown up in a world where we basically get everything handed to us (even if you are poor *cough* wellfare *cough*).  It would seem that my generation is so dependant apon technology and the media for their information that it would be harder for us to cope with no media, taking it from a stand point that we grew up with media then it just "vanished". Now on the other hand, if we grew up without actually knowing any media, then it wouldn't impact our lives so much, because we wouldn't know any different. Who's to say that anything would be any different than it is now? We could probably come up with "runners" to run our information to places for us, just like in the olden days.

     We could benefit from not having a media, but we could also loose things as well. Everything has a good repercussion(s) and a bad repercussion(s). It all depends on how you grew up and how easily you can cope with changes.


  1. Actually going outside to do something? Gasp! Amazing thought that maybe we should all do. I think there are so many pros to less media, or at least less media right at our fingertips. I sometimes wonder what life would be like - or what the news would report - if they knew it would ring right to our phones the second it happens.

    (PS: Check your spelling of upon and lose.)

  2. I agree that we would definitely have to depend on each other more than we ever have. I don't know if anyone would be willing to run from California to New York for information. Maybe we could do some sort of pigeon mail system. Also I think that most people would not be able to communicate without the use of technology. They aren't sure how to interact without texting or messaging someone through their phone or computer.
