Monday, May 13, 2013

Mass Media Critique

It was fun making the commercials and doing things like that as a class to help us better understand the processes and the analyzing of the media. But the tests and the questions sucked. The tests had nothing to do with the questions that we had to do for the chapter and the test questions were just about stupid details that we wouldn't have remembered if we wouldn't have studied for the test. I would liked to have to more projects like the commercials and the video game playing. It helped me to understand the processes better and what it might like to make an actual movie or commercial. It made it fun to learn about these processes. The questions I would have liked to do less of, unless they had questions that actually pertained to the test. I don't think anything in this class will actually help me unless I need to use IMovie for a college project or something. It is also nice to know the processes of analyzing media if I need to do that for college. It is also just nice to know that for having to analyzing anything. When we did the "Jeremy Video"  that really opened my eyes to the use of symbolism in media and how everyone interprets everything differently. It would be more enjoyable to do more stuff like the movies and the video game projects because I think I learned more about the processes and that stuff while doing those projects than just reading about them. Plus it made the class much more enjoyable.

Thursday, May 9, 2013


I didn't mind figuring out the shots or doing the storyboarding. It wasn't the most fun part of the job, but it wasn't the worst. I don't think we really thought about which shots would "represent" or "symbolize" something for our commercial. We more thought about how we wanted our commercial to look. We struggled the most with coming up with how we wanted to film and how we wanted to stand or the actions we wanted in each shot. I think the editing will be the most fun part because you get to add cool graphics and get to "personalize" it more. Plus I just want to see what we can do.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Pitch Perfect Review

This movie is set at Barden University, where Beca, a freshman who just started, gets cajoled into joining The Bella's, an all girl's singing group. She adds some much needed energy and modernizing into the group to take on their male counterparts in a singing competition. This movie is directed by Jason Moore, with actors including Rebel Wilson (Fat Amy), Anna Kendrick (Beca), and Skylar Astin (Jesse). This movie would be classified as either Comedy, Music, or Romance. This is my new favorite movie (before it was Thor). It was funny without being overly obnoxious (although there were some moments where it could be considered a bit crude). The graphics were good, and the writing was decent. I think they could have given it more comedy, but it was mostly a "musical" so it evened out in the movie. The acting was bad that it was good, and I'm pretty sure that's what they were going for. It was a movie were they just got to have fun and sing, and it was definitely fun, even if I wasn't in the movie. This movie is great for the whole family, and is something you can all enjoy. I suggest you you go out and rent it, buy it, whatever you do because you don't want to miss this movie!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Home or Movie?

I don't really care where I watch a movie at. I like the popcorn at movie theaters better than I do at home, but I also hate how you sometimes have those people that sit there and talk during the entire movie. Although, that happens at home too so it's not a big deal. I usually just tell them to shut up. I like the screen at a movie theater better than at home too. I love watching movies in IMAX theaters, or on screens like the one in the science museum in Minneapolis.

Most Memorable Movie Scene

The most memorable movie scene for me would be would be in The Lion King where Rafiki holds up a baby Simba. I just love this scene because it is just something that I remember. It also probably helps that I have watched that movie so much, but that's besides the point. I also think I cried the first time I saw this part, but I don't remember if it had anything to actually do with this part in the movie. Here is a list of movies that Life'd thought were memorable.