Monday, May 13, 2013
Mass Media Critique
It was fun making the commercials and doing things like that as a class to help us better understand the processes and the analyzing of the media. But the tests and the questions sucked. The tests had nothing to do with the questions that we had to do for the chapter and the test questions were just about stupid details that we wouldn't have remembered if we wouldn't have studied for the test. I would liked to have to more projects like the commercials and the video game playing. It helped me to understand the processes better and what it might like to make an actual movie or commercial. It made it fun to learn about these processes. The questions I would have liked to do less of, unless they had questions that actually pertained to the test. I don't think anything in this class will actually help me unless I need to use IMovie for a college project or something. It is also nice to know the processes of analyzing media if I need to do that for college. It is also just nice to know that for having to analyzing anything. When we did the "Jeremy Video" that really opened my eyes to the use of symbolism in media and how everyone interprets everything differently. It would be more enjoyable to do more stuff like the movies and the video game projects because I think I learned more about the processes and that stuff while doing those projects than just reading about them. Plus it made the class much more enjoyable.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
I didn't mind figuring out the shots or doing the storyboarding. It wasn't the most fun part of the job, but it wasn't the worst. I don't think we really thought about which shots would "represent" or "symbolize" something for our commercial. We more thought about how we wanted our commercial to look. We struggled the most with coming up with how we wanted to film and how we wanted to stand or the actions we wanted in each shot. I think the editing will be the most fun part because you get to add cool graphics and get to "personalize" it more. Plus I just want to see what we can do.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Pitch Perfect Review
This movie is set at Barden University, where Beca, a freshman who just started, gets cajoled into joining The Bella's, an all girl's singing group. She adds some much needed energy and modernizing into the group to take on their male counterparts in a singing competition. This movie is directed by Jason Moore, with actors including Rebel Wilson (Fat Amy), Anna Kendrick (Beca), and Skylar Astin (Jesse). This movie would be classified as either Comedy, Music, or Romance. This is my new favorite movie (before it was Thor). It was funny without being overly obnoxious (although there were some moments where it could be considered a bit crude). The graphics were good, and the writing was decent. I think they could have given it more comedy, but it was mostly a "musical" so it evened out in the movie. The acting was bad that it was good, and I'm pretty sure that's what they were going for. It was a movie were they just got to have fun and sing, and it was definitely fun, even if I wasn't in the movie. This movie is great for the whole family, and is something you can all enjoy. I suggest you you go out and rent it, buy it, whatever you do because you don't want to miss this movie!
Friday, May 3, 2013
Home or Movie?
I don't really care where I watch a movie at. I like the popcorn at movie theaters better than I do at home, but I also hate how you sometimes have those people that sit there and talk during the entire movie. Although, that happens at home too so it's not a big deal. I usually just tell them to shut up. I like the screen at a movie theater better than at home too. I love watching movies in IMAX theaters, or on screens like the one in the science museum in Minneapolis.
Most Memorable Movie Scene
The most memorable movie scene for me would be would be in The Lion King where Rafiki holds up a baby Simba. I just love this scene because it is just something that I remember. It also probably helps that I have watched that movie so much, but that's besides the point. I also think I cried the first time I saw this part, but I don't remember if it had anything to actually do with this part in the movie. Here is a list of movies that Life'd thought were memorable.
Monday, April 29, 2013
Carmike Cinema
The subliminal advertising in the intro was subtle enough that you don't even think about it (although that could also be because we are so used to it), but it was also obvious enough that you know what products you have to choose form, and it makes you hungry and thirsty. This points to us being a very consumer society.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Movie Mojos
Out of the's list of movies I have seen most of them in theaters. I go to movies a lot. The ones I haven't seen for sure are the ones I wasn't alive for. I think these films made it on this list because they are the ones that most people went to see. This could be because of the actors in the movie or just what type of movie it was. They also could have made this list because these movies could have come from books and people liked the books, or the way the movie was advertised could have been a factor. Also the detail they put into the movie, and the use of good technology they put into the movie could have made it more realistic which made it better.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Movies I most watch
The Lion King I watch a lot because it is a classic and I love it. Really any Disney movie I watch a lot of because they never get old. I also watch The Vow a lot. It is such a cute movie, but also a chick flick. But I would definitely recommend this movie to anyone to watch. Another movie I watch a lot of is Thor. Chris Hemsworth is just so cute! Plus it's a really good movie, I just love those super hero movies.
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Textbook Chapters
Chapter 6 looks pretty interesting in learning about movies and the impact of images. Movies are very intertwined with our lives, so it will be interesting to learn more about them. Chapter 15 also seems really interesting on legal controls and freedom of expression. Just to see what it's about and see what they consider "freedom of expression."
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Music and Media
Music affects what media plays. Music is how media gets the publics interest and keeps their interest in what the media wants them to know or see. Our book included this because our society is so involved with music. There isn't a day that goes by without listening to some type of music. Music hasn't really influenced my life in any way other than what I listen to, but even then I am not really picky because I listen to everything. Look at this article on whether music is the new social media.
Friday, April 5, 2013
Wednesday, April 3.
Things I like:
North Face jackets
Cute Boys
Nail polish
Painting my Nails
basketball games
North Face jackets
Cute Boys
Nail polish
Painting my Nails
basketball games
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
My favorite movie(s)
I would have to say that my favorite movie(s) of all time would be any disney movie. They are just classics and I can not get rid of them. Some of my definite favorites are The Lion King, The Little Mermaid, and Hercules. I have watched them a million times and I can never get old of them! If you have NOT seen these movies, they are a definite MUST watch. If not check out this website for other disney movies. Fur Rizzles! Peace Out Homie G!
Monday, March 11, 2013
Fourwinds Indians
This last weekend at State Class B Boys Basketball I met some of the guys from the Fourwinds Indians team. They are pretty cool guys. We stayed up till 2 in the morning (well technically 3 since we lost an hour of sleep, but that's beside the point), just talking. They are pretty cool guys. They even showed us their Harlem Shake video on youtube, and one of the guys on the team has hair down to his waist and was just head bangin' it up! It was pretty legit.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Ever changing Internet
The internet is going to keep changing and changing. I am definitely looking forward to the faster internet and how they are trying to make it more affordable for every American with the National Broadband Plan. I don't want it to be more commercialized because well firstly, commercials just suck, and secondly, with things like Google who use our emails to show us advertisements with our interests, we won't have any privacy. I also believe that the more complicated and "knowledgeable" the internet becomes the more we will depend on the internet, and the more we will believe the things we read on the internet. Read this article about how Al Gore believes the internet is changing the way we think.
March 4
The Loboes articles all have the same people they interview in them. They don't ask any of the other players, even though they had a part in getting us to where we are now. It was really only Anthony, Jared, and Brady that actually made it into print, then at the end they mentioned everyones stats for that game. They were pretty biased against who we were playing, in the fact that they didn't really say much about them. This is definitely targeted towards our region and the people in and around LaMoure.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Video Games
To me everything is good in portion. I can see how video games can help with some things, but to much of video games is not good. Even if you do the physically active games like DDR, or Wii Fit, that isn't a substitution for actual physical activity. So I say that video games are good, if you don't play them to much, and don't think of them as a substitution for actual physical activity.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Public or Private?
To me whatever you put on the internet is public, even if you have a privacy setting on it. You can even find photos or messages you have sent from your phone on the internet. Nothing is safe anymore. Your address, phone number, SS, etc.. should be private. Nobody should be able to know those things without your consent. But things like your name, and your birthday are okay to have public, because they are just general that anyone can know.
Friday, February 22, 2013
Mass Media So Far
The most important thing we have learned in Mass Media so far is how media impacts and has influence in our lives. It is one of those things that is so out there, it makes the effect it has on us more subtle because we are just used to it, and don't pay enough attention, or don't want to.
I think our discussion on the Jeremy video was one of the funnest things. It was still teaching us stuff, and how to use the critical thinking process, but we got to watch a video and interpret why they put the stuff in the video that they did. The discussion was really fun afterwards too, because we got to see how different our interpretations of things are, but yet how similar they are too.
I think our discussion on the Jeremy video was one of the funnest things. It was still teaching us stuff, and how to use the critical thinking process, but we got to watch a video and interpret why they put the stuff in the video that they did. The discussion was really fun afterwards too, because we got to see how different our interpretations of things are, but yet how similar they are too.
Monday, Feb. 18
Will we pay attention to the way social media is affecting our real lives?
Prediction: No. We won't pay attention in 2013, but the issuse won't go away.
I agree with this Forbes article question on social media in 2013. Many Americans, and even people in general, don't take the time to see how it is affecting their lives. They won't see the issue with it unless we inform, and educate them on it.
Prediction: No. We won't pay attention in 2013, but the issuse won't go away.
I agree with this Forbes article question on social media in 2013. Many Americans, and even people in general, don't take the time to see how it is affecting their lives. They won't see the issue with it unless we inform, and educate them on it.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Challenging the Media
It is a problem if we don't challenge the media because then we would be just "going with the flow," and not actually thinking of our own opinions on the subject they are presenting to us. I have a problem with this because if I don't know a lot on the subject I am more inclined to just go with what the media says, but if I actually know what they are talking about I am able to form my own opinion and "debate" it with them (most likely my mother). TED Conversations has some great insight into this controversial topic.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
February 11-Global Community
I think it is a problem that American culture is bombarding other cultures. If everyone just followed the American way, we wouldn't actually be individuals, we would just be like eachother. We won't have different cultures that make us different from eachother. This BBC Article, is a great thing to look at.
Thursday, February 7, 2013
To Ban or Not to Ban
We have all read the hunger games, yes? No. Well you are definitely missing out. Now on the Top 100 banned books for 2000-2009 from I can see how people would want to ban it from all the violence in it, but is it any better than the stuff we see on the news? At least with this book we know it is fiction, but the things on the news or that we see nowadays are real. We really have a screwed up system if that will ban a book, but they can still show it on the television or internet.
Who shapes society?
I believe that society and media are so closely related - especially in the 201st century- that they are basically the same thing. Media chooses topics off of what society likes, but at the same time society knows what the media tells us. I think it is more society's fault because without society we would not have media or the stories that the media tells.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Reaction To News
Our society's reaction to today's news tends to be a bit vulgar (or political) and probably not something we should be proud of. Like my last blog, I picked something that was totally vulgar and a bit embarrassing for the person who did it. It is great news because it teaches us why we shouldn't get high off of things, but also that we have vulgar tastes in news stories.
Most Newsworthy
I belive the most newsworthy would be the Miami "Naked Zombie" Was Likely High on Bath Salts. It is very interesting because you never hear of someone eating someones face off, even if they are high. I don't know why this guy choose bath salts to get high off of, but clearly they should not be your choice of things to get high off of.
Naked Zombie
Naked Zombie
Monday, January 28, 2013
Friday, January 18th
Depending on who you ask media has problems, and has throughout history. Some might be they "speak" before they "think". In other words, they present a story to the public without knowing all the facts and if the facts they have are true. We also don't have a neutral media. Everyone is biased about something, and if they don't give you all the facts, and they don't do it correctly, it could cause problems in the future and even for the company that person is working for.
Wednesday, January 16th
I get my news from multiple sources, but I would have to say my biggest new source is CNN. Whether it's on the internet or on the TV that is usually where I get my news from. I hear about some news from Facebook, but you can never tell if it is reliable or not. It is important to get your news from multiple sources so that you don't have just one biased opinion. Make sure you have all the facts before you decide to side with someone. Or if you like to have "nice" discussions with people on politics or something, you don't want to just know about one candidate, but about all of them so you can make a good decision.
Monday, January 14th
I believe that the pictures in newpapers, magazines, or the online version of the two have more impact than the words do. You can use words to describe things, but unless you have actually seen the problem or know what they are talking about, the article might not have as big of an impact as someone who knows whats going on. A picture can say 1000 words, and will have more impact and help the reader uunderstand the topic better. For example, if we didn't have pictures of the Great Depression we probably would not feel the way we do today with the pictures. As you can see in the picture above.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Media Intake
I think I have a pretty healthy intake of media in my life. I only really use my phone or my computer for electronics. I have a facebook account but I don't use it that much. I maybe go on there for an hour at the most at one time. I am obsessed with using Pinterest though. To me it's like my drug as cake is to a fat child. Although I use my phone everyday, I mean what teenager, especially teenage girl, doesn't use her phone everyday? Especially since most teenagers have smartphones nowadays and can use all their social media and play games on them. All in all I think I am golden.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Memorable Commercial
My favorite commercials ever are any of the E-Trade commercials. They are so funny and I love how they give the baby a grown man/women's voice. I think it is more memorable because you are taking a little baby and putting it in a real life situation. They also make it funny by having the babies drink milk instead of normal "grown up" drinks. The creaters successfully meshed together "grown up" life and "baby" life.
Etrade- Fatherhood superbowl 2012
Etrade- Fatherhood superbowl 2012
Thursday, January 10, 2013
- Dolphins
- Food
- Jewelery
- Books
- Cars/Vehicles
- Volleyball
- Sleep
- Dogs
- Dirtbikes
- Cheer on LOBOES!
- Movie Theater Popcorn (BUTTTER!)
- History in general
- Movies
- Water
Media-less Society
Our class assignment is to think about what our lives would be without a media-less society. Meaning no facebook, pinterest, twitter, etc. I find this hard to think about because my generation is so dependant apon the media that I am sure the world would end (not literally). But if we did live in a media-less society I have no doubt that we would all get along better. We would have to depend apon eachother for our information (or gossip, whichever way you look at it). With saying that, we could also become more ignorant in the sense that it would be harder to get information across the country/world. Something that happend in July in New York, would probably not reach California for a few months.
We would probably be a more fit country too, because all we would have to do is play outside or go out to get our information and the latest "gossip". We have grown up in a world where we basically get everything handed to us (even if you are poor *cough* wellfare *cough*). It would seem that my generation is so dependant apon technology and the media for their information that it would be harder for us to cope with no media, taking it from a stand point that we grew up with media then it just "vanished". Now on the other hand, if we grew up without actually knowing any media, then it wouldn't impact our lives so much, because we wouldn't know any different. Who's to say that anything would be any different than it is now? We could probably come up with "runners" to run our information to places for us, just like in the olden days.
We could benefit from not having a media, but we could also loose things as well. Everything has a good repercussion(s) and a bad repercussion(s). It all depends on how you grew up and how easily you can cope with changes.
We would probably be a more fit country too, because all we would have to do is play outside or go out to get our information and the latest "gossip". We have grown up in a world where we basically get everything handed to us (even if you are poor *cough* wellfare *cough*). It would seem that my generation is so dependant apon technology and the media for their information that it would be harder for us to cope with no media, taking it from a stand point that we grew up with media then it just "vanished". Now on the other hand, if we grew up without actually knowing any media, then it wouldn't impact our lives so much, because we wouldn't know any different. Who's to say that anything would be any different than it is now? We could probably come up with "runners" to run our information to places for us, just like in the olden days.
We could benefit from not having a media, but we could also loose things as well. Everything has a good repercussion(s) and a bad repercussion(s). It all depends on how you grew up and how easily you can cope with changes.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
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